Kool Smiles

Jacobi turned two in September. I had always been unsure about the proper dentist date for kids because my sister had been told by our old dentist not to do it until they were three, but my doctor said to do it at one. After Googling and speaking to his new pediatrician I decided it was time and made him an appointment at Kool Smiles.

The week of his original appointment in September my car broke down, so he missed it. I didn't get around to making another one until just recently. I made sure that there was a babysitter for Ember. I figured the dentist was something I would REALLY need Jesse for. I don't think I've ever been more wrong.

I didn't expect a play area with a slide to be there to entertain Jacobi. I also didn't expect there to be "portholes" where you could see the other kids having their teeth worked on. Jack was having so much fun playing that he went straight back when the nurse called his name, fully trusting the new surroundings.

I wasn't able to go back with him because only one parent is allowed (this was a major bummer and was my only real complaint against Kool Smiles). We decided that he would behave better with Jesse, and if not he could just come get me so I waited and watched the other kids having a blast on the slide.

Just when I was beginning to worry about Jacobi he came running out the door with an enormous grin on his face and a bag full of tooth brushing goodies. I found out that Jack had climbed up in the dentist chair, 100% ready to go with whatever was going to happen. I can only assume from the following pictures and the wonderful reports from dad that the experience was a good one.

Ready to go! Such a brave little boy!
Cavity free!
This is my favorite! He is being so good despite the mean look on his face!
Brushing teeth!