First Post

Jack & Ember, just after she was born
This is my first post here! I hope that I will be able to keep up with this. It seems like every time I start one I end up leaving it behind to do something else.

I guess I should write about who I am. My name is Allison. I am 22 years old and married to the boy I met when I was only fourteen years old, so that is fun. We have a two year old son named Jacobi (Jack). This blog will mostly be about him, as he is very silly and entertaining most of the time. Jack's little sister Ember was born in July of this year. We have a catahoula named Molly. She has been a member of the family as long as Jack has.

The biggest quirk in our family is that we have moved over five times in the past three years. I don't know why this happens, it just does. Something always happens in the houses where we are living that causes us to move, like the ceiling falling in or the landlord selling the house. We are living in Terre Haute now in an apartment, so hopefully that helps keep us tethered to one spot for a little bit while we sort things out!

We dig ginseng, sell computers, and hang out on eBay. We also do normal kid things like go to the park and crafts. I plan on posting links soon to sites where I buy stuff for the kids, too. Kind of like reviews only not so formal. :)