Let's try this again...

Yet again, my attempt to resume blogging as I once did as a teen ended in an epic fail. But let's try it again, shall we?

My husband and I recently learned that we are expecting our third child. We are joking that this is our "oops" baby, but as with our other two children there really was no "oops" about it. I am ten weeks as of Monday and due November 20th. I joked with the husband that I am absolved of all birthday gifts, as his birthday falls just two days after my due date. Thanksgiving is just four days after--let's hope that I'm not doing my forty-eight hours on that day! We are very excited, despite the looks we receive when people see our nine month old daughter sitting in a shopping cart and we tell them we will have another within just under eight months. Learning that we would be having another baby made me want to resume blogging so that I can track things like doctor's appointments, ultrasounds, etc. I meant to do this with my other two pregnancies, and I regret not doing so.

In other news, Jesse has a full-time job at a warehouse making nearly $11.00 an hour and we are in the process of remodelling a house in my hometown. When it's finished, we will have a place to live that doesn't require much rent ($50.00 a month on contract sale) and is fully electric. Everything will be new, so I won't have to worry about yucky stains on the carpet or what may have been in the cabinets before we moved in. For now we are staying with my parents, but it is very, very close to being move-in ready. Jacobi is extremely excited. When we move, we plan on getting rid of pull-ups and diapers for him entirely.

He has made great progress with potty training over the past few months. He can stay dry for days at a time. We haven't convinced him to go #2 consistently yet, but we are sure once we move and don't have to worry about him making a mess in my mom's house that we will be able to get him to do it. He is scheduled to start preschool this fall and he is very excited about that. He knows all of the basic shapes (square, rectangle, triangle, circle, diamond, heart, and oval) and is learning his colors. He can identify letters if he is shown a picture of the letter he is looking for.

Ember is also doing well. Her subdermal hemangiomas are still there, but after an echocardiogram of her heart the doctor is not worried that there are any underlying conditions that could be threatening to her health. They are getting much smaller as she gets bigger, so we are hopeful that they will go away on their own.

I'm endlessly working on my homework. I'm studying to teach early childhood education, and I'm about halfway done with my degree. My semester ends May 23rd and I am pretty far behind, so fingers crossed that I can pull off getting it all done in time. I've also been mushroom hunting TONS, and I've found about 16 mushrooms all together. I haven't been anywhere but my backyard, so I feel like it's been a pretty good haul so far.

Hopefully my next post will have more sustanance than just a general update on my life, but I felt it was necessary since I'd been away so long. I hope that everyone (if anyone) who reads this is staying dry and safe in all this wet and crazy weather!


  Wonderfully Chaotic

May 5, 2011 at 9:19 PM

I'm glad you're blogging - I'll read it! :)