15 more days until this cast is off. Even if he has to have another put on, at least he'll have a fresh, clean cast to wear. Two blow outs today, and I handled them all on my own while Jesse was working outside. I was proud of myself. 

Today was grandma's visitation. The funeral home did a nice job making her look better than any of us have seen her in the past however many months. She looked rested. 

The kids mostly played in a room they had. Jesse was amazing in taking care of them and he never asked me to come do it so he could go do something else. A lot of people came. I was reminded of how well loved grandma was.

I'm not going to lie. I'm exhausted. It's been a very long two weeks. It's hard to absorb all that has happened because of the massive amount of things happening lately. 

On the bright side of the day, Jesse put down carpet and laminate in the big concrete room, which is actually our entrance-room, and a while ago we hung some cabinets. The house is coming together, and that is definitely something to be thankful for.