My grandma died on Friday morning. I spent Friday riding with my mom, trying to find a funeral home that didn't cost upwards of $10k. We found somewhere, thankfully, and we even found flowers for her. I think she would like it.

Riddick is crawling around in his cast. He swings himself back and forth and uses the momentum to scoot his entire 25+ pound self. It's good to see him so excited.

We put him in his swing today to see if he fit, and he did! He was laughing when the swing started swinging. He fell asleep there and slept for about an hour.

Sleep seems to be hard for him. He can usually only sleep 2-3 hours at a time, and at night we have to roll him over every 4 hours, so should he actually sleep for a bit, we end up having to wake him up. He is napping now. He ate carrots and oatmeal for dinner, and actually ate some of his bottle too.

I'm exhausted. Seventeen more days.