Riley Sucks.

Nothing makes me more mad than when a doctor ignores me, except for when they ignore me regarding my kids.

Yesterday was Riddick's check-up, and so on Tuesday we put $50 in the gas tank and Wednesday morning we drove two hours to Indianapolis. We had a lot of questions and a lot of concerns, and we were hopeful to talk to the orthopedist and have some of those questions answered. Yeah, right.

Riley used to be an amazing hospital. When I went there in 2010 for my asthma, the care was incredible and the doctors were very helpful when my parents had questions. Fast forward to yesterday, where the orthopedist basically walked in, walked out, and was gone. As she was leaving, she asked if we had questions. When we said yes, she answered one (about how his bone was healing, because to us it looks misaligned and displaced) in the most hurried, minimal way possible and before we knew it she was gone. He has a follow-up appointment on the 17th, and she had mentioned removing the cast at his next appointment.

Since she didn't stick around for our questions, we don't know if he will need another cast at that time or if he will need any therapy or if the lining missing from his cast is a problem or not. These are all major concerns to us. What if his leg heals wrong? What if it doesn't heal in time? What if when they cut the cast off, the missing liner causes abrasions on his skin from the vibration of the cast? It's very frustrating to not have anyone available to answer these questions.

We are trying to have him transferred to another children's hospital, because he is too young to see any local orthopedists. I'm not sure if he will be able to be seen by another doctor or not (his pediatrician says they don't typically take on cases once a cast has been placed), but I really do hope so.

Today I spent two hours cutting mole skin to various sizes to patch in where the lining is missing. I hate the idea of the rough cast rubbing against his skin, and since I've been unable to receive advice from any of the Riley doctors I felt that I had to do something. So far so good, and the mole skin seems to be working well. I got Riddick a crib piano at a yard sale shortly after his femur broke, and he played with it while I was trying to "fix" his cast. Without it, he probably wouldn't have been so cooperative.