
I have spent the past day exploring a website called Postloop. Postloop is a paid-posting website that provides forums and blogs with posts and comments. Posts are provided by "content writers" who are also signed up for Postloop. To be honest, at first I felt bad about providing what I thought would be spam sites and less-than-average bloggers with comments. I quickly realized that the majority of people using this service are legitimately trying to get their websites and ideas out there, much like I was once (and will probably be again one day soon). 

Poostloop operates on a point system. You receive so many points per post that you make on other people's sites. Those points can then either be circulated back into Postloop to generate posts on your own blog or forum or you can cash them out for Paypal money. I have already made two cash outs ($10), and I've only been posting since yesterday. Each point is worth $0.050 (a nickel). You have to earn 100 points before you are allowed to cash out ($5.00), but it's not like an ATM where you have to have multiples of $5 to cash out. 

To sign up for Postloop, click here. Once you have signed up you will need to submit 10 test posts onto the Postloop Portal. This is so that Postloop can verify that your English and grammar are up to par, and that you won't be making bad posts on people's sites. It is very, very important to first sign up for the Postloop Portal forum then return to Postloop to subscribe to the forum with the name and email you have used on the Portal. This is necessary so that Postloop can keep track of the 10 posts you are about to make.

Once you have submitted your 10 posts you will automatically be submitted for review. Review can take up to 24 hours, but I received my approval about 5 hours after submitting my tenth post. If for some reason you aren't approved, Postloop may decide to give you another chance. This varies from person to person, and you will need to contact Postloop for information on doing this. As long as you use proper grammar and put some thought into your posts, you will be fine.

When you are approved you can begin posting on forums and blogs to begin generating points. You will need to sign up for each forum or blog individually and then subscribe via Postloop's webpage. Don't worry about keeping track of where you are signing up--Postloop will manage this for you under "Subscriptions" in the Dashboard on the Postloop page. You will still continue to be reviewed based on your posts, so make sure you are still following grammar and length guidelines. It is also wise to use the same name/email/password for each site you sign up to, and if you aren't using a public computer to check the box that says "Stay signed in" on each page. This will prevent you from having to login to each forum on each visit. 

If you have issues finding a registration link on a site, click on the subscribe icon on the Postloop page and accept the terms. Hit submit on the name and email There will be a line of text that says, "Before you subscribe to this blog, you will need to create an account first. You can do that here." Click where it says here and you will be redirected to the site's registration page.

I have found it is best to find a few forums and max out for the day before continuing on to others. Many sites have a number of maximum posts (such as 5/day). Once you fulfill those posts, find another site and begin posting there. At midnight your posts will reset and you will be able to return to the places you've maxed out at and start posting again.

Some of the websites will seem cheesy, but once you get a good conversation going it becomes very easy to keep it up. 

I am having a blast Postlooping, and I've even found some sites I will continue visiting even after they run out of available points. I have to quit writing now so I can get back to working towards my goal of $50/week. I will definitely be keeping you updated.